Life as a Milshelb Mom is crazy, hectic, and FUN... it's mostly full of LOVE... love for a MilShelb who make my world go 'round.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lazy, Boring Day

Well, I've been pretty lazy today. I have done some laundry, worked on some drawings, and taken some pictures of Milly and Shelby. I'm thinking I might start a new painting later... but we shall see on that one.
Here's some of the pics of the silly, wonderful, light of my life MilShelb!

Shelby being the model that she was born to be. ;)
Milly trying to get me to play tennis with her.
And by tennis I really mean keep away. She doesn't do "fetch".
Sweet Shelby Ann Cobra.
It's a good thing she's as cute as she is. Otherwise this would really drive us nuts. lol

Monday, March 29, 2010

Love That MilShelb

Well, I love that MilShelb. I think maybe our families and friends think we're crazy- but that's ok. We're planning an Eater egg hunt for them on Easter. We're just going to hide some eggs in the back yard and see what they do. Should be interesting! I can't wait to see what they do. I picked up a few Easter items for them as well.
MilShelb turns THREE on April 9th. I cannot believe that they are almost three years old. Makes me a little sad to see them grow up so fast. They were such cute little babies!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A New Phase

I am beginning a new phase. I am not sulking over the whole not finding a teacher job thing. I am moving on! I am so excited! I have decided that what I really truly want it to have a full-time job and get on with my life. I am so excited! I have applied for lots of office jobs and hopefully will find one soon.
I received a call from a lady who owns a business and is looking for a customer service person and someone to be flexible to assist with the day to day things as well. I am going today to interview with her at 1:00. I am very excited. I don't know too many details but I will keep you posted on the job search.

On to another topic:
I took Milly and Shelby to Winthrop Lake yesterday. It was so much fun! We met Marlie, Lucas, and Summer and walked around the lake. It was interesting at first. Milly and Shelby have never been much for the wheels on a stroller or small people otherwise known as children... but they did so well. Shelby was fine most of the time with Summer. She's better at being around children than Milly. Milly was a little barky and stand-offish. She settled in though and they were pretty good for the rest of the time. I'm one proud MilShelb Mom!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Funny Thing...

You know it's funny... most days I can stay upbeat and optimistic and positive about this whole job thing... and then there are days like today. Days that wear me out. Days that break me down and make me wonder if I'll make it through this. I know that I am truly a blessed person. I have wonderful family and friends. I have a great church. I have a roof over my head and food to eat and clothes to wear. The one thing I don't have is a job... and it eats at me. All. The. Time. I try so hard not to let it get to me. I try not to think about it unless I am looking for jobs online. The thing is, it's like a cancer. You can't escape it. Everyone you see asks you about it. It's like there's not another durn thing they can think of to ask you. Forget "how's the weather?" Now it's "do you have a job yet?" As if I'm choosing to be jobless. I know that's not what they mean by the questions. I know they are asking out of concern. I just feel helpless and sad sometimes. That's really no way to be. I should be proactive... but it's been nearly a year since graduation. Nearly a year. And I have nothing. I am thankful for the long-term sub positions I've had- but that's exactly what they are. And they end. And there I am again. At "square one." I'm worn out. Now that I've depressed the entire blog population I think I'll go to bed.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suppose It's About Time

Well, I suppose it's time that I share my thoughts on the job search and all that goes with it. As most people can figure out- there are NO teaching jobs to be had. Though I have had (and am very thankful for) some long-term sub positions, I have not been able to find a full-time teaching position. It makes me sad to know that five years of my life was spent preparing for a job that I may very well never have. Realistically speaking, it's no secret that teaching jobs are few and far between these days... and with the teachers being laid off it's also no secret that finding a job when you have little to no experience is very difficult when compared to the people who interview who have been laid off elsewhere. So, where does all of this leave me? It leaves me without. It leaves me without a job, yes, but not without hope. I have always wanted to teach. I am a darn good teacher. I don't have to have people tell me that or be hired to know that. I know it through the satisfaction of seeing kids succeed and knowing that I helped them in some way or another. I was placed on this earth to teach. All of that being said, I am also about 99.9% sure I will not be a teacher. At least not any time soon. It's not how I pictured my life... but I won't get into all of the things that are far from the way I pictured them and have still turned out just as well if not better than I pictured. So, I've decided to look elsewhere for jobs... outside of the teaching profession. I have decided to look for a job I can be good at but also pays the bills and that is what is most important right now. Part of me feels like I am giving up on a life-long dream... but the other part of me knows that I am doing what is right for myself and my family. The most important thing is to do right by the person who is with you. Jake deserves someone who is willing to put dreams on hold and face reality... and get a job and help out. He deserves it... and if I have my way, he'll get it. Please pray for me that I am able to find a job. I am kind of excited to just get all of this no money and no job thing behind me. I have an interview tomorrow... so please keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for me!!!

Yard Work and MilShelb

Well, today was filled with time outside in the beautiful weather! There is nothing like South Carolina in the Spring time. I love it! I worked my rear end off in the yard today. Here's some of what I did...

And here's what the MilShelb did...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Point

One of my blog friends (whom I also know in real life) brought up a good point in one of her blogs (link to her site: She said something about someone saying they'd never take their kids to a nice restaurant. Of course, that person does not have children... Now, I don't have kids either and I won't even claim to know how to raise children nor will I claim what I would do if I ever had a child... because I used to say stuff like that about my dogs and we can all see how that turned out! lol Anyhow, I'm just saying that people say things and then things turn out so differently... but about the restaurant topic, how does a child learn to behave in a place like that if they are not exposed to that environment? Seems to me you would be putting your child at a disadvantage if you never took them places like that?? Again, I have two dogs... so what do I know? lol

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Love That MilShelb!

Well, I found all of these wonderful things on CafePress that have Dachshunds on them. I am in LOVE! I will be purchasing TONS of stuff... as soon as I have an income! lol Anyhow, here are a few things I thought were cute.

Milly and Shelby have been sick today. I hate that. I feel so bad because I don't know how they feel or how to help them. I made them some rice for dinner which they loved. I also laid around in bed with them watching tv this afternoon and napping. they love lazy afternoons. I think they're feeling better... I sure hope so. I only cleaned up one "sick" spot (Jake cleaned up the others...) and I sure don't want to clean up any more. Yuck! lol Poor girls!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

As I always say...

There is always something to be thankful for. I won't lie, things have been tough lately. Tough on my wallet and tough on my heart. My positive attitude has been tested more in the past week than the rest of the year combined. I have been tried and tried... but, I think, I've come out on top. I was reading a friend's blog tonight- which I think everyone should read because it is amazing
( and was reminded of the fact that there is always something to be thankful for. No, things may not always go my way and, no, I may not always get along with everyone and I may not always get what I want or even what I think I deserve... but at the end of the day- no matter how crummy the day- I get to come home to Jake. He is home. He is not in another country. He's home. I cannot imagine how tough it is to be a military spouse. I cannot imagine how hard it is to stay up at night and wonder if they are ok... if they are happy... if they are safe. I cannot imagine that. I don't have to stay up at night wondering because Jake is right there. It takes a tough and STRONG person to be a military spouse. I am not that person. I do not have that in me. I am thankful that Jake is home every night (even on the nights when he makes me want to pull my hair out lol). I am thankful that there are people who are in the military. I am thankful for their service and their sacrifice. I am thankful beyond belief to the people who wait at home for their safe return.
On the blog that inspired this one ( I read a devastating story about a young woman who has lost her husband in war. I then went to that woman's blog and read her story. I cried and cried. It is so sad to think that someone who is younger than me could lose her husband, her child's father. They are in my prayers tonight... and on my heart. Please say a prayer for them and for all of the people who selflessly give of their time and, in some cases, their life.

Jake- you are my heart. I am thankful for you... even when you make me mad. ;)

Just a few favorites... oldies but goodies

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Quick Update

Just wanted to update quickly and say that we will not be moving to Florida after all. MilShelb are super excited because they LOVE their big yard here and were very sad to leave it... and all of their friends and family!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just A Dog

Just a Dog

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog," or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog." They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a dog."

Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a dog." Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog," but I did not once feel slighted.

Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by "just a dog," and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you will probably understand phases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise." "Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. "Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.

Because of "just a dog" I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future. So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.

"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.

I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a dog" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a human."

So the next time you hear the phrase "just a dog." just smile, because they "just don't understand."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

No More Pets

Saw this on and thought I'd share it! :)

by Emilie Hance
for the American Dachshund magazine, July, 1969

It began when we promised each other that there would be no more pets. To seal it, we signed a lease for a beautiful apartment with wall-to-wall carpet and no pets allowed.
Only a few days later we found Sylvester. He was such a small kitten, lying on the concrete patio of the office where I was working. He wouldn't eat and he couldn't walk. Rain clouds were gathering as night fell. He would be dead in the morning. How could I leave him to die in the rain?
Three months later, Sylvester could walk around and even run some, and he had developed that terrible Siamese howl so we were sure the landlord would soon find out about him. The howl and several other Siamese traits revealed at least half of his ancestry.
We started looking for a home for him. We asked everybody we knew - and that was how we found out about Charlie's puppy.
Our bachelor friend Charlie had acquired this adorable puppy, which had just eaten $110 worth of couch, $50 worth of shoes, and other items such as trouser legs, socks, and pillows. Somehow Charlie was sitting on our couch with the puppy, and the puppy looked almost as sad as Charlie. He told us she was a longhaired Dachshund from a good family. We could see plainly that she was made to love. But we were firm. Only as a last resort - if he could find no one else at all - would we take this puppy.
Well, we named her Sugar. And that is how we got evicted from our beautiful apartment and went looking for a new home with a half-grown Siamese cat and a 6-month old Longhaired Dachshund puppy.
From the start, Sylvester and Sugar got along famously. They played, slept and ate together, and, when at last we found a home with a yard for them to run in, they hunted together. Cats will wander, and as Sylvester grew, he hunted farther and farther from home. He always returned at night, but Sugar was lonely in the daytime.
Which was how we came to get Little Lucy. A newfound friend had told us about Little Lucy, a Miniature Wire. After having been sold as a puppy several years before, she had been mysteriously returned. Apparently her life had not been happy.
Lucy was granted to us on probation, as it were, to see if she would fit in. At first she was reserved, but soon her outgoing nature overcame the shyness and she attached herself to all of us - except Sylvester. The cat was too much for her. Lucy ate Sylvester's food every chance she got, and teased and tormented him to the ragged edge of his great patience.
Until the night of the attack, when the Tom from up the hill got our cat and bested him and finally cornered him screaming against the stairs. The dogs flew out of the house. Sugar separated the cats, and Lucy took after the Tom, sending him scooting up the tree and out of the yard. We got our battered cat into the house and discovered he was not too badly hurt, just painfully clawed, and Sugar and Lucy sat by, anxiously waiting the first response from their friend. I imagine Sylvester was surprised to feel Lucy licking his face! Well, they are all a happy family now.
The first hunting trip Sylvester made after his recovery, he brought back the prize pieces of what must have been a rather large gopher and dropped them by Lucy's dish. It was nice of him, but when I found them - by stepping in them at 5:30 on a Monday morning, groping for the light switch in the kitchen - I just said "Someday," as I bent down to see in what I had stepped, "someday we are not going to have any more pets!"
I hope nobody was listening.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Movin' on Up...

or down, directionally speaking. lol
I thought I'd take a moment to update. Very soon MilShelb will be beach dogs, sunning it up in Florida! Jake was offered a job in Jacksonville and we will soon be relocating.
MilShelb can tell something is going on because I have started the packing process. I am trying to give myself as much time as possible because we truly need to get rid of some stuff before we move. No use hauling crap to Florida. Plus, we don't think we'll end up with as much room as we have here. That's ok though. There's really no reason to keep things you don't use. I'll be making a trip to Goodwill very soon.
I am not sure of the exact date we are moving or the exact place we will be living yet, but will certainly keep you posted as things progress.
I'm excited!! MilShelb will love it, too... I hope!! We are making sure to move to a house with a fenced in yard and that, of course, limits our options. That's ok though, because it makes a world of difference for Milly and Shelby. They are just so much happier to be outside when they can be without a leash.
On to new places, things, and opportunities!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Thing About Marriage

I have been married for nearly 8 months. EIGHT months?! Crazy. I feel like just yesterday I was walking down the aisle looking at Jake's smiling face. I feel like just yesterday I was making a promise to him for the rest of our lives. The thing is, marriage isn't about the wedding. It's not about the vows said (though they are important), it's about the day to day of life. It's about being the mature one and not pushing buttons to make them mad when you know exactly how to do that. It's about making their favorite food or calling just to say hello. It's about never leaving the house in a fight and always saying you love them before you go to sleep. I know Jake thinks some of these little traditions are stupid- but if I were to ever leave the house one day without telling him I love him and something were to happen--- I just don't ever want him to wonder. I want him to know without a doubt that he is my heart.

Marriage is about the daily annoyances as well... the putting the toilet paper roll on backwards or leaving dirty socks in the bed. It's about the 50 billion questions over something stupid and the having to be 100% honest with someone even on topics you don't want to be 100% honest with yourself about. It's about sharing your life with someone who knows you by heart- and, therefore, can see right through you.

It's also about splitting things- like chores, the last piece of cake... and fear. And dread. And pain. It's about splitting bills and money and the bed. It's about not just thinking about yourself... actually, it's about thinking about the other person first.

Marriage is also about doubling things... like laundry (though there seems to be way more than double of that in my house) and groceries... and annoyances. lol But mostly, marriage is about doubled joy. The great thing is that if something wonderful and exciting happens to them it's as if it happens to you. So, twice the joy.

Marriage is about thinking. Thinking about the other person's feelings, thoughts, dreams. It's not about thinking about only yourself anymore. You have to think about them first. What are their dreams? What are their goals? How can you help those dreams come true and help them achieve those goals? It's also about thinking before you speak. I've never been good at that... but I sure have learned to hold my tongue and think first. Which works out better because I don't constantly have to take back what I said! (Which I am also not too great at. lol)

Mainly, I have found that marriage is about the daily give and take of life... and love. It's not enough to tell Jake that I love him. I have to show him by being nice and caring and doing what he asks... just as he always does for me. I am a lucky girl- I married a great guy. It's not hard to be a good wife when you have an awesome husband!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Standing Outside The Fire

Garth Brooks has a song called, "Standing Outside the Fire" and it speaks to me... right down to my very soul. It says "We call them cool- Those hearts that have no scars to show- The ones that never do let go- And risk it the tables being turned" How true. We think the coolest people are those who have no "baggage", no faults, no past, no problems... The song also says, "We call them fools- Who have to dance within the flame- Who chance the sorrow and the shame- That always come with getting burned" I feel like that's me. Maybe people think I'm a fool... think I'm naive... but I HAVE to, not just stand, but dance in the flame- risk it all for what might bring happiness. The song also says, "But you got to be tough when consumed by desire
'Cause it's not enough just to stand outside the fire" So true. You have got to be strong to chase your dreams... no matter how crazy they may be. Another verse says, "We call them strong- Those who can face this world alone- Who seem to get by on their own- Those who will never take the fall- We call them weak- Who are unable to resist- The slightest chance love might exist- And for that forsake it all- They're so hell bent on giving, walking a wire- Convinced it's not living if you stand outside the fire" Again, so true... love- even the very slightest chance of it- is worth risking it all. When I went to meet Jake in person I didn't really know him. I knew him through friends and aim... nothing more. But, I fell in love with him the same day I met him. I knew the moment I saw him that there was something to this man- something I just had to be a part of. I am so glad I stepped out- into the fire- so to speak.

The Chorus:
Standing outside the fire
Standing outside the fire
Life is not tried it is merely survived
If you're standing outside the fire

There's this love that is burning
Deep in my soul
Constantly yearning to get out of control
Wanting to fly higher and higher
I can't abide standing outside the fire

I am not one to break rules or do things that are crazy or very risky- but I am one to get right in the middle of it all if it means making a difference... especially if it means making a difference for my family, friends, or children.

On to another topic-
I went by Saluda Trail today and saw one of my old students from the last maternity leave I subbed for. He was so sweet. He walked right up to me and gave me a hug and said, "Hey Mrs. Hall!" I know that I am meant to be a teacher. If that particular student can still run up to me with a smile on his face I know that people are right- kids respect people who are fair and people who believe in them- even if it's tough love. I love those kids. There's not a doubt in my mind that I am a better teacher because of them. I will be an awesome teacher one day. I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying that because I know in my heart that teaching is what God made me for. I am so happy that I have realized that... and that one particular student confirmed it today. God knows when I need a lift- and he provided one today through the smile of a child. :) God is so good.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Two Songs That Say It All

There are two songs that say it all...
One is by the wonderful Keith Urban
"Better Life"

Friday night and the moon is high
I'm wide-awake just watchin' you sleep
And I promise you you're gonna have
More than just the things that you need
We ain't got much now, We're just startin' out
But I know somehow paradise is comin'

Someday baby, You and I are gonna be the ones
Good luck's gonna shine
Someday baby you and I are gonna be the ones
So hold on
We're headed for a better life

Oh now there's a place for you and me
Where we can dream as big as the sky
I know it's hard to see it now
But baby someday we're gonna fly
This road we're on, you know it might be long
But my faith is strong
It's all that really matters


So hold on, hold on
C'mon baby, hold on

Yeah, we're gonna have it all
And ooh


Oh, a better life
Hey we're gonna leave this all behind us baby, wait and see
We're headed for a better life, you and me
We're gonna break the chains that bind and, finally we'll be free
We're gonna be the ones that have it all, you and me
Just hold on tight now baby

The other is by Ben E. King
"Stand By Me"

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Jake and I will have it all one day... and when that day comes we will still be standing side by side. I may never be rich- but I have a man that will be by my side through it all... that's all that matters. I love you, Jake!