My name is Maggie. I'm 25 (gosh, really?!) and married.
I'm a proud mother to the world's most amazing creatures... 2 Miniature Dachshunds. They are my pride and joy.
I graduated in May 2009 from the University of South Carolina (Go Cocks!) with a BA in Elementary Education. There truly is nothing finer than to be in Carolina.
I got married July 18, 2009 to my best friend. He is an amazing (and amazingly patient) man. Our days (and lives) revolve around the happiness of our Dachshunds, Milly and Shelby. My ultimate goal in life is to truly be the person that they believe I am.
I love the beach. I believe it is the perfect example of the true, beautiful glory of God's creation.
I am a Mama's girl. My Mom is funny, generous, supportive, loving... she's a blast.

This is my little slice of the world.
This is my life... crazy, chaotic, busy... and fun! This is my family... happy, caring, generous.
This is me.