You know, people say that God never closes one door without opening another. They also say that good things come to those who wait. Well, I'm here to tell you that both things are so true. The thing is, sometimes I think that God has to show you that things won't work and has to bring you way down before He knows you will drop it all, run to Him, and follow Him where ever He leads. That's what's happening now. I found out the other day that my chances of getting a job in this area due to budget cuts and other things are slim to none. I, needless to say, was crushed, but I immediately emailed Jake and basically said I give and I'm willing to go where ever. I accept the fact that some dreams have to end or be put on hold and the fact of the matter is that it does not matter what I spent 5 years in school for- if being a teacher is not what I am meant to do it won't happen. It's like I told Jake, my life may not ever amount to me being anything other than a good wife- but if that is all I will be I will take that with a smile on my face. If I can be a good wife I will be honored. I know that things do not always work out the way we want them to- but they do work out one way or another. Jake has one interview lined up soon and one that he has a strong possibility of interviewing with- and I will pick up and follow where ever. I started this whole thing by praying that God would lead us where we need to be. I prayed every night that if I didn't get a job that it would mean that Jake would get a job that he would love and it would lead us to bigger and better things. No, things have not turned out as I hoped, but I believe that one day we will look back on this and be thankful for the rough times because we will truly appreciate the wonderful things that lie ahead for us. No matter what happens, no matter where we end up we can look back on this and know that we made it through- with smiles on our faces and having built a stronger foundation for our family. I thank God for listening to me- for truly hearing my prayers. I thank Him for a husband who loves me. I thank Him for every little thing that has gone wrong. I will "prise Him in this storm" for He is the God who gives and takes away.
Dear Lord, Please give me ground or give me wings. Amen!